novela de livia brito la desalmada

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novela de livia brito la desalmada

¡Carmen Villalobos desata la locura con las primeras imágenes de su reality show! Isabela thinks Rafael is hiding something from her, so she doesn't want to leave him. 19 Likes, 0 Comments - CubanTop10 (@cubantop10) on Instagram: "#UnTalentoDeNovela │ Éxito total de Livia Brito con "La desalmada", la telenovela que marca su…" Julia provokes Fernanda with the supposed baby, but Fernanda puts her in her place. En el homenaje al artista, el cual fue una producción de Carla Estrada, participaron sus hijos Julián Figueroa, como su versión joven, y José Manuel Figueroa, como su versión madura. 06. Octavio complains to Leticia for having gone to the Nuevo amanecer ranch and threatens her with divorce if she continues with her jealousy. La desalmada (English title: Heartless) [2] is a Mexican telenovela that premiered on Las Estrellas on 5 July 2021. Temporada 1. Rafael confesses to Fernanda that he loves her and that was the reason why he did not marry Isabela. Fernanda, knowing that Juana and Luis have already discovered her plans for revenge, asks them to decide whether they support her or not, since she does not intend to stop. César asks Fernanda to make up her mind to do justice to Santiago or forget everything and continue with Rafael. En 2014 llegó uno de sus estelares más entrañables en, Livia interpretó a Fiorella Bianchi, una joven italiana huérfana que viaja a México para casarse con un hombre rico que le ayude a cuidar de su hermana enferma. All rights reserved. After learning the reasons why Piero left Mary, Rigoberto decides to look for Piero to beat him up and let him know that Mary is not alone. Leticia learns that Rafael may never walk again. 'Triunfo del amor'. Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV logró posicionarse como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 4 millones de televidentes", "Ratings México - 10 de septiembre de 2021", "¡En rating no puede haber dos número 1! 2023. The doctor informs the family that Isabela lost her baby. Emma Fermín Apolonio, Así es la hacienda donde Livia Brito y José Ron viven su romance en La Desalmada. After a while of arguing, Rafael apologizes to her and tells her that he just wanted to beat her hard but she asks him about the kiss he stole from her. Rigoberto and Piro prevent Pachita from scolding Mary for what she did. La construcción data de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y principios del siglo XIX y comenzó como una pequeña finca que fue creciendo con el paso del tiempo hasta lo que es hoy. David assures Rafael that the best thing to do is to forget Fernanda and for him to continue with his life; however, Fernanda arrives at the moment when he is talking about his wedding. Brenda tells Octavio that Leticia is very affectionate to the point that she has already adopted her as her daughter. Octavio sees a photo of Fernanda and confesses his desire for her. César arrives to talk to Fernanda but Rafael refuses to let them talk alone, so to everyone's surprise, he tells them that he decided to resign. César asks Fernanda to convince Rafael to live in El primor. Germán learns that Isabela cheated on Rafael with Rigoberto. Brito compartirá créditos con José Ron, el actor de telenovelas como “Rubí 2020”, “Te Doy La Vida” y “Ringo”. Julia becomes jealous when she sees how Octavio looks at Fernanda. Fernanda fights with Luis when she assures him that he has no proof that Rafael is innocent, so he asks for time. Carmelo sees his wounded son and tries to save his life, but it is too late, so he tells him how much he loves him, Rigoberto dies in his arms. La Desalmada llega este 23 de agosto a Univision con una historia que te atrapará. Clara surprises Martina with her good manners, but Rafael is not well received by his friend's mother. Rafael learns that he will not be able to walk. Fernanda and Juana ask Gabriel, Sandra and Clara to decide with whom they will leave, since their deal as partners is dissolved. The following is a list of telenovelas and series produced by Televisa in the 2020s. Fernanda confesses to Rafael that there cannot be a relationship between the two of them, only because he is Octavio Toscano's son. Rafael and Fernanda know that they cannot be friends, because they both like each other, so Fernanda asks him to make peace. Mezcalent, El siguiente papel de Livia fue en Médicos, Línea de Vida, donde interpretó a la talentosa doctora Regina Villaseñor, una mujer entregada a su trabajo, brillante, segura de sí, aunque con muy poca sue…Leer más, Los doctores Arturo Molina y David Paredes, interpretados por Rodolfo Salas y Daniel Arenas, formaron un triángulo amoroso que cautivó a muchos. Livia Brito sigue siendo contemplad­a por José Alberto Castro para la segunda parte de La desalmada, pero el productor reveló en días recientes que la telenovela tendrá que esperar hasta 2024, pues los compromiso­s personales de la actriz le impiden integrarse al proyecto. Miriam and Luis reconcile. No te pierdas el, TELEVISIÓN DE PRIMERA SIN LÍMITES, GRATIS Y EN ESPAÑOL, Mas de 100 Canales con tus Novelas y Películas favoritas, Fútbol de la Liga Mexicana de la Primera División, Las Noticias más importantes para comenzar tu día, Productos, Servicios y Patentes de Univision. Clonan al primer hurón de patas negras en Estados Unidos, ¿salvarán a la especie de la extinción? Brenda takes advantage of Rafael’s sadness to kiss him. #LaDesalmada en busca de justicia, encontró el amor Rafael manages to stabilize Fernanda and while watching his dream he confesses that he had never met such a wonderful woman before. Una publicación compartida de ���������� ���������� �������������� (@liviabritopes). Ángela and David learn of Rigoberto's death. Ángela confirms to Germán that she is in love with Rigoberto, so she hopes Isabela values him. César reveals to Fernanda what Octavio did to him. Martina looks for Octavio to inform him that she has decided to be the next mayor of Ichámal, but he rejects the idea, she assures him that it is not convenient to have her as an enemy. Rigoberto warns Isabela that he does not intend to keep their relationship a secret. Guzmán is determined to take revenge on Octavio, so he takes advantage of the fact that he is in the river to shoot him. La nueva telenovela bajo la producción de José Alberto "El Güero" Castro, tendrá como protagonista a Livia Brito, quien interpretará a una joven que fue abusada sexualmente, aunque pensaron que ella había fallecido. Fernanda continues with her plan for revenge. Fernanda agrees to bring Mary back to the hacienda. @LaDesalmadaTV se posicionó como lo más visto en su barra de horario con una audiencia de 3.57 millones de televidentes que siguen disfrutando cada capítulo", "¡Se consolidó líder! Miriam, seeing that Luis is making a jealous scene because of the package she received from Giliberto Fregoso, asks him not to ask her about him anymore and takes advantage of the fact that she is with him to make it clear that he is still the man of her life. Fernanda, seeing Rafael's good intentions, decides to start treating him as a friend. Rigoberto is ordered to steal all the Corcuera family's cattle. Hours before marrying Rafael, Fernanda confesses to feeling confused because she doesn't know what to do and is ready to go away and start a new life; however, César arrives at her room and asks her to continue with the plan. Julia upon learning that Fernanda and Rafael are going to live in El primor, wants to humiliate her for what she did to Isabela, Octavio warns Julia that if she plans to continue living in the hacienda, she must be very careful how she speaks to his son and Fernanda. Octavio is willing to surprise Fernanda. Fernanda and Rafael get married by all means. Fernanda assures Rafael that she is afraid of everything she is feeling and confesses that for some time she has not felt so happy, but in reality she is telling this to Santiago in a dream. Brenda apologizes to Fernanda for the misunderstandings with Rafael and asks her not to be jealous since that is not her intention, so she is determined to leave the ranch; however, Fernanda prevents her so they become friends. Octavio assures Rafael that Fernanda offered herself to him in exchange for forgiving César. Leticia makes the decision that Isabela will stay to live in El Primor. Mezcalent…Leer más, Livia hizo el papel de Paloma, la amiga del personaje interpretado por Angelique Boyer y que teminaba enamorada del interpretado por Mark Tacher, aunque no era correspondida. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación. Octavio and David start their electoral campaign. Julia assures Isabela that the role of loser does not suit her since she is not defeated yet, Isabela realizes that her mother lost the earring that her grandmother gave her. Fernanda reveals to Rafael and Leticia that Octavio is a murderer since he built his packing plant on the patrimony of innocent people, he denies all the accusations, but she shows the video where Octavio is unfaithful to Leticia with Julia. Livia hizo el papel de Paloma, la amiga del personaje interpretado por Angelique Boyer y que teminaba enamorada del interpretado por Mark Tacher, aunque no era correspondida. Minutes before his wedding with Isabela, Rafael assures David that he cannot forget Fernanda so he is willing to go looking for her. © 2023 Rigoberto shares with Isabela what Rafael thinks of her. Acorde a la trayectoria y vida del 'Rey del Jaripeo', Livia y José Manuel hicieron pareja, tal como lo hizo el cantante con Maribel Guardia antes de su separación en 1995. Isabela looks for Rigoberto, but he rejects her. César asks Fernanda not to forget the oath she swore to Santiago. David turns his father in to the authorities. Orgullosa de regresar a las telenovelas con una historia tradicional, llena de amor y venganza, Livia Brito, protagoniza “La Desalmada”, donde interpreta a una mujer que sufre lo indecible, por lo que buscará justicia a cualquier precio. Isabela manages to get Rafael to advance the wedding so they make it official. Debido a la situación que causó todo un revuelo, la famosa perdió varias propuestas de . This page was last edited on 12 November 2022, at 20:15. Fernanda vows revenge on the man who took Santiago's life, so she is no longer afraid of anyone. El actor mexicano también se dejó ver en el set de grabación en compañía de la actriz venezolana Kimberly Dos Ramos, con quien trabajó en la nueva versión de Rubí y ahora será su antagonista. Miriam shows Candela that she didn't like the trap she set so she assures her that her friend paid the consequences. In order to get rid of Octavio, Fernanda enters the hacienda determined to take revenge on the man who hurt her. Juana will give Fernanda a warning. Pronto recibirás tu primer boletín. La desalmada es una versión adaptada de la historia colombiana "La dama de Troya" y gira alrededor de Fernanda Linares (Livia Brito) una mujer que vive una traumática experiencia luego que un hombre asesina a su esposo en la noche de su boda y luego abusa sexualmente de ella. Fernanda learns about the irregularities at the packing plant, thanks to Edgar's indiscretion. La Desalmada sigue la vida de Fernanda Linares (Livia Brito), una mujer sedienta de venganza tras el asesinato de su esposo en su noche de bodas, en donde además, Fernanda fue víctima de violación sexual después del ocurrido hecho. Fernanda decides to surprise Rafael in the city so she asks Leticia for permission for one of the workers to take her, but Octavio overhears her and kindly offers to take her. @LaDesalmadaTV obtuvo una increíble audiencia de 4 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en su barra de horario", "¡No logran vencer a "La desalmada"! La actriz dará vida a un misterioso personaje, quien luego de haber sufrido un abuso y de haber perdido a su esposo a manos del mismo hombre que la abusó, años después aparecerá como una vaquera con una actitud muy ruda y fuerte tras la tragedia que vivió. Foto Instagram María Chacón. Rafael is not willing to be blackmailed, so he tells him that he will get ahead on his own. Octavio is ready to declare war on Fernanda. ¡Has click sobre la galletita y encuentra tu suerte! Once again, Fernanda prevents Octavio from hurting her, thanks to Juana's help. 2021 PERSONAJES Fernanda Rafael Octavio Julia Isabela Leticia Luis Germán Más de 'La Desalmada' La Desalmada Ana Martín da el último adiós a Pachita y fans reaccionan a su muerte en 'La Desalmada' OCT. "La Desalmada" logró una audiencia de 3.8 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en la televisión abierta", "¡Se consolida líder en rating! Mary agrees to be Gabriel's girlfriend. Julia decides to break up with Octavio, but he kisses her by force and assures her that he likes it better when she resists. Julia tells Germán that it is necessary to buy an apartment for Isabela since she is worried that she will share a room with unknown people. Candela assures Rosalina that she already knows how to get Miriam out of her way. "La Desalmada" logró una audiencia de 3.7 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en el horario estelar", "¡Superó a la competencia por 143%! José Ron . Octavio is sure that Fernanda will be his again. Rigoberto assures Isabela that if she only used him to get pregnant, he will not forgive her and is ready to confess the truth, but she manages to calm him down. Fernanda wants to take advantage of the fact that Octavio is in love with her to complete her revenge. Catalog; For You; TVyNovelas (México) LA DESALMADA 2 TENDRÁ QUE ESPERAR HASTA 2024 2023-01-09 - . La Desalmada Piloto, doctora y ahora La desalmada: esta es la carrera de Livia Brito en las novelas La cubana regresa a tu pantalla con una historia donde interpretará a Fernanda. César assures Fernanda that she should be very careful with Rafael because women like her are hard to forget. Julia informs Isabela that Octavio threw her out of the cabin, so she begs her to give her money so she won't stay in the street, Isabela rejects her and asks her not to look for her. Isabela and Rigoberto are in the stable kissing when they leave and see Rafael and although he does not suspect, he asks her what she is doing there if she does not like the smell of the stable but Isabela cleverly replies that she went riding with Ángela. Rigoberto arrives to work with Isidoro. After learning that Isabela is expecting Rafael's child, Fernanda makes it clear that she will stay married to him and the baby will grow up with all the rights of a Toscano. Premisa. Livia Brito kehrt zu den Seifenopern zurück als „die Seelenlosen", nach zwei Spielzeiten als „La Piloto" und Protagonist von „Médicos".Die Schauspielerin kubanischer Herkunft wird von einer großartigen Besetzung umgeben sein José Ron, Majorie desousa, Marlene Favela, Eduardo Santamarinaunter anderen.. Brito spielt Fernanda, eine einfache, edle junge Frau, die die Landschaft und . Octavio tries to make Rafael believe that Fernanda is in a relationship with César, but seeing his attitude, he returns the bull necklace and says he is no longer his son. César begins to give Fernanda lessons so that she can defend herself when she feels in danger being with Octavio. Julia feels used by Octavio after he assured her that he is not exclusive to any woman. Juana confirms that between Rafael and Fernanda something more than an employment relationship begins to exist. Julia is upset to hear how Germán highlights Leticia's virtues. Fernanda opens her heart to Brenda and tells her story with Santiago and how everything beautiful she was living with him turned into a nightmare. Fernanda asks Rafael to invite her mother to be her wedding gift. In Mexico, the telenovela was abridged to 85 broadcast episodes, while in other countries it remained with the 90 episodes produced. La bella actriz de 31 años María Chacón, en una publicación en sus redes sociales dijo adiós al personaje que encarnó durante seis meses en la producción del canal de las estrellas 'Cabo . La desalmada (English title: Heartless)[2] is a Mexican telenovela that premiered on Las Estrellas on 5 July 2021. Octavio confronts Rafael again and assures him that he will not allow him to destroy his life by marrying Fernanda, Leticia prevents Octavio from hitting her son. Julia complains to Octavio about the humiliation that Rafael put her daughter through, but he assures her that what hurts her most is that she does not have the economic support of the Toscano family. Rafael makes a request to his father. EN ESTE VIDEO TE MOSTRAMOS LA NUEVA FECHA DE ESTRENO DE #LaDesalmada CON #JoséRon Y #LiviaBrito.Y NO OLVIDES QUE, SI QUIERES MAS VÍDEOS COMO ESTE, TE INVITAM. Three years go by and Juana and Luis, upon learning of Fernanda's intentions to take revenge, try to convince her to forget what happened and ask her to start a new life, but she refuses. Fernanda becomes jealous when she hears what Rafael means to Brenda. Rafael makes a proposal to the woman who stole his heart and she does not hesitate to accept, but she will not allow him to play with her feelings again. ¡Gracias por ser suscriptor! VIDEOS. Fernanda's memory is not clear, which leads her to doubt and making mistakes in judgement. View Comments. "La desalmada" encabeza el rating con una audiencia de 3.8 millones de televidentes, ¡lo más visto en la televisión abierta! Octavio arrives at Nuevo Amanecer looking for Rafael to ask for his forgiveness, Fernanda believes that her father-in-law's visit is because he is going to offer money to his son in exchange for leaving her; however, Octavio assures her that she has a very bad idea of him. Además se sus exigencias para acceder a actuar en alguna producción, Brito es orgullosamente una de las actrices mejor pagadas de México, pues tan sólo por su papel en "La Desalmada", se embolsó un sueldo de 11 mil dólares, según el medio de espectáculos de nombre MAG. Carmelo takes Don Octavio to the cabin where he wants to be with Fernanda. Rafael comes to Fernanda's defense and is sure that she had nothing to do with the explosion at his father's company. In order to get along better, Octavio decides to give Fernanda his horse Maharajá, but she surprises him with her decision. Actualmente, la hacienda de San Antonio Tochatlaco ofrece diferentes servicios al público en general como la organización de bodas hasta para 3 mil invitados, visitas guiadas, museo y hospedaje. Rafael apologizes for what happened with Isabela and confesses that the reason he did not agree to marry her was because he fell in love with another woman. @LaDesalmadaTV se colocó como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 4.9 millones de televidentes, quienes no se pierden ni un instante de este gran melodrama", "La Desalmada arrasa en el rating con su impactante final", "J Balvin & Karol G Lead 2022 Premios Juventud Nominations: Complete List", Televisa telenovelas and series (2020–2022),, Mexican television series based on Colombian television series, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Carmelo, knowing the damage Antonio did to Pachita, does not hesitate to leave him seriously wounded. Juana assures Fernanda that César is a dangerous man. César confesses to Rafael all the harm Octavio did to him, but he won't listen to reason. 2021. ¡Mira la actualidad del mundo de las telenovelas de un vistazo en 8 imágenes! César manages to have evidence of Octavio's infidelity. Octavio, unable to keep the appointment with Brenda, engages Rafael to represent him; however, Rafael gets upset and assures him that he cannot use his time. Rigoberto confesses to Ángela that he is still in love with Isabela, but he will not allow her to continue playing with his feelings so he decides to use Ángela to make Isabela jealous. Rafael assures David that he wants to talk to Fernanda to clear things up and confess that he is very much in love. La desalmada: José Alberto Castro: 1 season, 85 episodes . Foto Instagram José Ron. Isabela confesses to Rafael that she is afraid that her father will not accept her wedding. Rafael sees that Julia insulted his friend Rigoberto and asks her to apologize to him. @LaDesalmadaTV logró una audiencia de 3.8 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en la televisión abierta", "¡Superó a la competencia por 161%! Octavio tries to abuse Fernanda again, but she defends herself and hits him. David informs Fernanda that Rafael has already reacted after hearing his name and shares with her that he does not know if he will walk again, since the bullet hit him very close to his spine, so he begs her to visit him in the hospital. Rafael refuses to marry Isabela, causing the astonishment of all the guests. El personaje de Fernanda Linares pierde a su esposo en su noche de bodas y ella es ultrajada, por ello endurece su corazón ante el mundo. "La Desalmada", la nueva producción de José Alberto Castro, arrancó este miércoles sus grabaciones en la Ciudad de México y José Ron, protagonista de la telenovela, fue el primero en grabar escenas de esta esperada historia que llegará próximamente a Las Estrellas. Mezcalent…Leer más, Ahí interpretó a Natalia, una joven sencilla y trabajadora que se enamoró del personaje de Juan Diego Covarrubias. Octavio arrives at Nuevo Amanecer. Pachita comes to Leticia's defense and confronts Octavio. Carmelo reports that Rigoberto died during the assault and thanks Rafael for having loved his son as a brother, so he asks him to forgive him so that he can rest in peace. Isabela buries her baby and Ángela manages to forgive her. Germán asks Rigoberto to stay away from Isabela, since she does not love him. Fernanda, upon learning of the irregularities at the packing house, agrees with César to attack Octavio. Fernanda arrives at the packing plant to inform Octavio that she agrees to work with him, but under certain conditions. For this reason, Candela proposes to Rosalina that they remove Miriam from the house and thus the lawsuit will only continue between the two of them. Octavio looks for Fernanda and assures her that they are not for entertainment. Macarena García y Diego Klein, la pareja favorita de las novelas del 2022, según fans. "La Desalmada" se consolida líder con una audiencia de 3.5 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡Imparables! Germán tries to win back the trust of the town's ranchers. Debido a la situación que causó todo un revuelo, la famosa perdió varias propuestas de trabajo, pero a pesar de aquellos momentos complicados de su vida, ahora la famosa regresará a la televisión siendo la protagonista de la telenovela "La Desalmada". When Isabela meets Fernanda she does not hesitate to confront her and calls her a social climber for having taken Rafael's love away from her, Fernanda responds back with a slap so they start hitting each other. Mary gives Isabela the box where Rigoberto kept all the photos he had with her, as well as her letters. Sandra and Clara fight in front of David and he asks for an explanation. Rafael confronts his father about the gift he is going to give his baby. Germán asks Octavio for help, but he refuses. Livia Brito viene de un escándalo por supuestamente haber agredido a un fotógrafo, pero eso no la ha detenido de trabajar ya que es la protagonista de "La Desalmada". Carmelo confesses to Leticia that Octavio did rape Fernanda and murder Santiago and reveals that the next victim is her, but first he expresses his feelings. Una publicación compartida de SAN ANTONIO TOCHATLACO (@hacienda_tochatlaco). Fernanda surprises Octavio in his office and does not hesitate to seduce him with her white dress and assures him that the only man she is interested in is him and kisses him. Fernanda asks César to be more careful since Rafael is very jealous and shares with him that she is afraid that he will reveal his plan before she can have the evidence against Octavio. @LaDesalmadaTV logró una audiencia de 4.1 millones de televidentes y se colocó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡En la cumbre del rating! Primer promo de #LaDesalmada @Canal_Estrellas, — NovelaLounge (@NovelaLounge) June 4, 2021, ¿Has olvidado tu contraseña? Fernanda regrets sending Rafael a message. Rigoberto and Isabela have a very romantic night. Fernanda visits Rafael in the hospital to find out the truth. Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV se colocó como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.9 millones de televidentes", "¡Superó los limites del rating! [15] The main cast was revealed on 11 March 2021. The telenovela was announced on 15 October 2020 at Televisa's Visión21 upfront. Juana informs Rafael that he is fired since Fernanda is very heartfelt for him. Fernanda finds a list of the people from whom Octavio supposedly bought their land to build the packing plant and after an investigation, she discovers that most of them died tragically, so she informs Juana and Luis and they join her in her plan for revenge. César arrives at the packing plant. El melodrama es lo más visto en TV abierta, con 3.8 millones de personas que disfrutan de esta apasionante historia", "¡Nadie puede con @LaDesalmadaTV! Leticia arrives at 'Nuevo amanecer' in search of the woman who is circling Octavio. Rafael confesses to Fernanda that he has fallen in love with her and asks her not to hide her feelings, so they do not hesitate to kiss. Rafael believes that César is to blame for the attack on his father at the packing plant, so he confronts him and asks him to leave them alone. Octavio shows Rafael the photos of Fernanda kissing César. Carmelo complies with Octavio's order and kills Sandra. David surprises Clara with a romantic dinner. Carmelo learns of Rigoberto's scandal at the ranchers' party and does not hesitate to hit him, Leticia, witnessing Rigoberto's aggression, comes to his defense. Juana learns that Octavio also harmed César's family. Fernanda accepts Rafael's proposal to fall in love again so that both she and César can take revenge on Octavio. Gracias a ti, @LaDesalmadaTV obtuvo una audiencia de 4.4 millones de televidentes y se colocó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡Explota en rating! Así lucirá Livia Brito en la piel de Fernanda, la protagonista de la nueva telenovela de Televisa La desalmada, historia que encabeza la actriz de origen cubano junto al. Octavio begs Leticia for a chance, but she no longer wants him in her life. Fernanda does not hesitate to show Rafael how much she loves him. Brenda apologizes to Rafael. Livia Brito es Fernanda Linares, mujer hermosa que irradia sensualidad sin propósito alguno, nuestra protagonista deberá lidiar con sentimientos de odio y amor, aún más con los deseos de cobrar venganza por el asesinato de su esposo, quien fue asesinado en la noche de bodas. The latest about Latin celebrities, fashion and beauty trends, and news. ENE. Fernanda manages to enter Octavio's office, but is discovered by Carmelo who assures her that neither the living nor the dead can be in his boss's office, so she apologizes and leaves. Fernanda Linares, una joven alegre y enérgica, cuya vida dará un vuelco cuando la tragedia toque a su puerta justo en su noche de bodas con el hombre que ella a…Leer más, Ese día, Fernanda sufrirá dos profundas heridas que jamás se borrarán y esto la llevará a buscar venganza contra quienes la lastimaron, aunque esto podría cambiar cuando conozca a Clara gives herself to David. Julia asks Isabela to continue humiliating herself in front of Rafael. Fernanda asks Octavio not to underestimate her because he does not know what she is capable of. Fernanda decides to refuse the gifts that Isabela brought Rafael and assures him that these gifts were for him and Isabela not for their new marriage. Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV logró una audiencia de 3.7 millones de televidentes y se consolidó como lo más visto en su barra de horario", "¡Supera a la competencia por 138%! Déjanos tus comentarios. Fernanda learns that Octavio threw Rafael out of the hacienda and she assures him that they should live in El primor, a comment that makes her fiancé uncomfortable. Clara assures David that she always wanted to confess her past to him, but he always refused to listen to her, Fernanda tells Clara that she is not to blame for what happened. People en Español is part of the Meredith Latino Network. A unos días del esperado estreno de "La Desalmada", Las Estrellas tiene para ti EN EXCLUSIVA el preestreno digital del primer capítulo de la telenovela estelarizada por Livia Brito, José Ron, Eduardo Santamarina y un gran reparto. El 60 por ciento de las escenas se grabarán en locaciones. After Santiago's death, Fernanda is raped, but while trying to flee, Carmelo shoots her and she loses consciousness and falls into the river. Germán assures Fernanda that he does not agree that Isabela should marry Rafael, and tries to convince her to sell the cattle to the packing plant, but she refuses because there is no fair payment. Octavio threatens Leticia if she goes to Rafael and Fernanda's wedding, so she is not willing to fall for his blackmail. Julia, upon learning of Rigoberto's death, is grateful for what happened, but Isabela is filled with contempt for her mother and kicks her out of her room. "La Desalmada" logró mantenerse como lo más visto en la televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.8 millones de televidentes que disfrutan de esta gran producción", "¡@LaDesalmadaTV está rompiendo la TV! Buscar. Fernanda assures Juana that she will warn Sandra to watch out for Octavio. Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV se mantiene como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.8 millones de televidentes", "¡Se consolidó líder de audiencia! Así se veía Livia Brito en "La Dictadura Perfecta" ¿la recuerdas. Octavio, seeing what Fernanda is doing with the press, assures Rafael that she has already crossed the limit, so he emphasizes that if he is thinking of divorcing her, he has all his support. Corresponsal en la Cd. Octavio informs Leticia that he is running to become the next mayor of Ichámal. Julia assures Isabela that Rafael is the ideal man for her. Octavio reads the message that Fernanda left him and knows that the attack was personal. Julia complains to Germán for not having talked about the wedding between Isabela and Rafael with Octavio. Julia asks Leticia to let her live in her house, since she has a lot of problems with Germán. Rafael is willing to teach Fernanda a lesson. Gracias por ser lector de La Opinión. Rafael assures Fernanda that everyone is going through a difficult time and asks for a truce. Rafael rejects the gift that his father gave him and assures him that he has other plans, upon hearing the news, Octavio gets upset. Sandra is willing to reveal to Octavio everything Fernanda does. [4] It is an adaptation of the Colombian telenovela La Dama de Troya created by Felipe Forero, Alejandro Torres and Guido Jácome. Rafael meets Brenda after they almost had a car accident. Síguenos en Temas: Novelas de Televisa Fernanda assures Rafael that she cannot maintain a relationship with him and asks him not to touch her again. Inicié en medios impresos como reportera hace ya más de una década. Desde la cuenta oficial de Instagram de la hacienda Tochatlaco se han compartido publicaciones sobre el rodaje de “La desalmada” y se puede observar más a detalle los elementos que componen el lugar, como las áreas que se utilizarán para las grabaciones. Recorre los momentos cumbre del estreno de La Desalmada. Fernanda does not believe that Santiago has sold his lands, since there was no secret between the two of them. David confesses to Clara that he likes her and kisses her. Julia apologizes to Germán for the way she treated him and assures him that she made up the pregnancy story because they were desperate, so she asks him to sustain the lie. Ha comenzado a grabarse la próxima telenovela de Televisa, La desalmada, un remake de La dama de Troya (RCN) producida por José Castro y protagonizada por José Ron y Livia Brito. Fernanda, seeing that there is a wounded man, runs to his aid. Fernanda realizes that Octavio is chasing her so she does not hesitate to confront him, but he pretends to be a good man to the point of making her a business proposal. Fernanda assures Juana that it is best to never feel anything for anyone so as not to run any risk. Candela tells Rosalina that everything in the house is in Miriam's name, so Luis would not hesitate for a moment to rush them to be okay with his ex-wife. Julia tries to play the victim, but Leticia no longer believes her. Now that Fernanda recognizes that Rafael is not the culprit, she asks for a miracle to save him. Este es el sitio donde Livia Brito y José Ron viven su romance de ficción en "La desalmada", telenovela que se basa en la telenovela colombiana "La dama de Troya". @LaDesalmadaTV logró posicionarse como lo más visto en el horario estelar con una audiencia de 3.4 millones de televidentes", "¡Se consolida líder en rating! ¿Te lo vas a perder? Julia assures Isabela to take advantage of Rafael's condition to win him back. Rafael confesses to David that he was impressed with Fernanda's beauty. Rafael asks César to stay away from Fernanda. Rafael gets the closure seals removed from his father's packing plant. Fernanda asks Rafael to reconcile with his father, but he refuses because he is very hurt by what he did to her. Isabela informs Rafael that she is expecting his child, so he does not hesitate to support her and respond as a man. Hoy escribo para Chispa. César apologizes to Fernanda for what happened with Rafael and assures her that he is willing to confess the whole truth. Inicié en medios impresos como reportera hace ya más de una década. Carmelo comes clean with Leticia. Pero ¿De qué trata el melodrama? Este es el sitio donde Livia Brito y José Ron viven su romance de ficción en “La desalmada”, telenovela que se basa en la telenovela colombiana “La dama de Troya”. The series follows Fernanda Linares (Livia Brito), a woman who only seeks to avenge her husband, murdered on their wedding night, where in addition to this unfortunate event, she is raped. Mezcalent, Su deseo de cumplir esta meta la lleva por un camino peligroso repleto de crimen y traiciones, donde además encontraría el amor. Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV logró una audiencia de 4.8 millones de televidentes y se consolidó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡En la cima del rating! Rafael announces to Octavio that Alberto has died. Fernanda is forceful with Octavio and rejects his gift. Rafael complains to Octavio for blocking his job and assures him that the only thing he will do is make him disappointed in him, Octavio reiterates that he does not ask for permission, much less offer apologies. [17][18] On 17 May 2022, TelevisaUnivision confirmed that the series had been renewed for a second season.[6][19]. Ángela and Rigoberto kiss each other on the mouth when they say goodbye, a situation that makes them nervous. Rafael becomes jealous when he sees César holding Fernanda's hand. Con esta historia, Livia espera cautivar al público, ya que asegura, que es una telenovela que lo tiene todo. Lo que Telemundo 'ocultó' del final de la primera temporada de Hercai: amor y venganza. Fernanda enters Octavio's office looking for evidence against him, but when she is discovered she assures him that she did not resist sitting in his chair. Clara is ready to confess the truth to David, but Sandra prevents her from doing so. "Hoy fue la primera reunión, empezamos a grabar La Desalmada producida por José Alberto Castro", reveló Cecilia Galliano, quien dará vida a Miriam en la telenovela remake de "La dama de Troya", original de Colombia que causó impacto en 2008. Isabela learns that Rafael wants Rigoberto to be the godfather of her son, but she rejects him, so she is determined to end up with the man she truly loves. Octavio confesses that Julia chose Germán over him when she found out that Germán had an inheritance from his parents, so now he seeks to lead them to ruin. Fernanda and Santiago will soon marry, a moment that fills them with happiness. Candela, seeing that Miriam is in danger, decides to impersonate her and is kidnapped. Octavio assures Rafael that if he marries Fernanda he will not let her live in the hacienda, so she tries to blackmail him, but he does not fall into her game. Livia Brito stars as titular character, alongside José Ron, Eduardo Santamarina, Marjorie de Sousa, and Marlene Favela. Isabela looks for Fernanda and tells her that she understands that she was very rude to her and assures her that she does not want them to be enemies, so she asks her to start over. Octavio and Martina have a confrontation. Copyright© Todos los derechos reservados. Octavio goes crazy when he learns that David is the new mayor of Ichámal, so he raises his voice to Leticia, but Germán defends her. @LaDesalmadaTV obtuvo una audiencia de 4.2 millones de televidentes y se consolidó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡Superó los límites del rating! Brenda seeks to know the reasons why her mother doesn't love her. After winning the horse race, Fernanda is discovered by Octavio, but Carmelo assures him that it cannot be her, since he verified that she was dead the night she was shot. Leticia informs Fernanda that Isabela has suffered bleeding and the doctor asked her to rest. Rafael tells Octavio that he can rest assured that there is nothing going on with Fernanda. Leticia informs Octavio that Isabela almost had a miscarriage, so she decided to let her stay at El Primor. ¿Quién es Yolanda cadena en la vida real? After finding her in bed with Rigoberto, Isabela confesses to Ángela that he is very special to her, but she cannot be with Beto, as she affectionately calls him, because he is poor. @LaDesalmadaTV logró una audiencia de 4 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡Superó a la competencia por 144%! Me gustan el futbol, el cine, leer, la comida y salir a correr. Rigoberto tells Isabela that the day they leave the hacienda, he will also take his father with him. @LaDesalmadaTV obtuvo una audiencia de 3.7 millones de personas y se consolidó como lo más visto en televisión abierta, superando a la competencia por más de 127%", "¡Se consolidó líder! La historia de “La Desalmada” se desarrolla en un contexto campirano, con locaciones en Malinalco, Estado de México, y Zempoala, Hidalgo. Estimado suscriptor, debe generar una contraseña nueva para La Opinión. Fernanda is upset with Rafael to discover that he saw her naked while swimming in the river. Además de la pareja protagónica, parte del reparto que ya está confirmado, es: Marlene Favela, Marjorie de Sousa, Sergio Basáñez, Cecilia Galliano, Raúl Araiza, Kimberly Dos Ramos, Laura Carmine, Alberto Estrella, Verónica Jaspeado, Julio Vallado, Eduardo Santamarina, Francisco Gattorno, Gonzalo García Vivanco, Ana Martín, Azela Robinson, Gaby Mellado, Fiona Muñoz, Carlos Gatica, Macarena Miguel y Ale García. "La Desalmada" logró posicionarse como lo más visto en la televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.6 millones de televidentes", "¡Se consolida líder en rating! @LaDesalmadaTV obtuvo una audiencia de 3.7 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡Lo más visto en TV abierta! Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV se posicionó como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.9 millones de televidentes", "¡En la cima del rating! Descubre de qué trata la telenovela que protagonizará Livia Brito. gracia. Octavio discovers that his son Rafael is interested in someone else. "La Desalmada" superó a su competencia por 208% y se posicionó como lo más visto en la televisión abierta, con una audiencia de 3.9 millones de televidentes", "¡En la cima del rating! Espectáculos. Fernanda decides to wear her mother's wedding dress on her wedding day after Santiago accidentally sees her in her original dress. When Rigoberto leaves, Julia slaps Isabela telling her that she is not willing to lose the ranch because of him. César, upon learning that Isabela is expecting Rafael's child, assures Fernanda that this will block her plans, but she makes it clear that she will stay married to Octavio's son. Juana realizes that with the arrival of Rafael, Fernanda's life was re-illuminated. Conoce aquí un adelanto de la trama y los personajes que interpretarán estrellas como Livia Brito, José Ron . Octavio is upset with Carmelo when he learns that he did not manage to kidnap Fernanda. Fernanda feels betrayed by Rafael when he hides from her that he is Octavio's son. Carmelo reminds Octavio of his love for Fernanda. Octavio asks Isabela to stay away from Rafael and much less go to the Primor, since his son is starting a new life. Fernanda discovers that Rafael is going to marry Isabela. Carmelo begs Rigoberto not to steal from Octavio, since he does forget betrayals and reveals that he is Octavio's thug. David reveals to Antonio that Mary is his daughter. Rafael assures Isabela that Ángela confessed the whole truth, so he wants nothing to do with her. Octavio tries to convince Rafael not to get married so they can continue to be the perfect business couple. Juana and Fernanda learn that Luis has disappeared. Ángela returns to Ichámal and confesses to Isabela that she will not allow her to make fun of Rigoberto since she is in love with him and warns her that she will fight for his love. Martina discovers Clara's past. Octavio does not hesitate to spy on Fernanda when he sees her in a bathing suit, but he is discovered by Julia, who cannot believe that Octavio has fallen in love with his son's wife. Rafael confesses to Octavio that he fell in love with Fernanda Linares, Octavio forbids him to have a relationship with a ranchera. Fernanda arrives at 'Nuevo amanecer' and confesses to Juana that Octavio's son is the man who raped her and took Santiago's life. Rafael does not accept that Clara has lied to his friend, so Fernanda comes to Clara’s defense and assures him that she has her reasons. Leticia, upon learning that Fernanda accepted Octavio's proposal, assures him that it is not a good idea because it would cause Rafael a lot of pain, so she rejects the job. Octavio learns that Isabela made peace with Fernanda, in order to keep her close and get to know her weak point. Tras darse a conocer que Livia Brito regresará a las telenovelas, te compartimos los detalles de su nuevo proyecto. La actriz se arriesgó a refrescar su imagen y sorprendió con el resultado. Fernanda makes a strong warning at the packinghouse. César warns Fernanda that he will kill Octavio. Fernanda, upon discovering that Rafael hurt Centella so that he could win, decides to face him and assures him that she likes to win the hard way, so she asks for a rematch. Isabela continues to use Rigoberto to get pregnant. Octavio assures Fernanda that he is close to finding the man who hurt her son Rafael, so he takes advantage of his meeting with her to make her a proposal. Fernanda offers Rafael an apology for what happened in Encino Alto and he does not hesitate to let her know that she is always in his thoughts, but swears that he will forget her, so she surprises him by stealing a kiss. "La Desalmada" logró una audiencia de 3.8 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en la televisión abierta", "¡Supera a la competencia por 113%! Leticia sees how upset Octavio gets when he finds out that Rafael spent the night with Fernanda and confronts him, who, feeling attacked, assures her that he is getting fed up with her. Julia takes advantage of the fact that she is with Octavio to kiss him, but she does not imagine that she is discovered by Isabela, who does not hesitate to confront her. Brenda decides to reserve a place to take Rafael out to eat and get rid of his sadness, but Fernanda arrives at that moment and ruining her chance. "La Desalmada" se mantiene líder con una audiencia de 3.6 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en la televisión abierta", "¡Lidera la televisión abierta! Miriam learns that Luis has already given an engagement ring to Rosalina, so he asks for her forgiveness for not keeping his word as a man. El casting para dar vida a esta historia está creciendo a medida que avanzan las grabaciones apareciendo nuevos nombres en el reparto final. [3] The series is produced by José Alberto Castro. @LaDesalmadaTV logró una audiencia de 3.7 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en televisión abierta, ¡Gracias a ti! 18. PressReader. Fernanda assures Juana that she does not want to kill Octavio, she is only looking for evidence against him. Octavio discovers that Rafael is at the hacienda and makes him leave, but before leaving, Rafael assures him that he misses him. @LaDesalmadaTV se consolidó como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.6 millones de televidentes", "¡Explota en rating! Luis learns of Fernanda's plans against the Toscano’s and is disappointed in her. Travesuras de la niña mala: Carlos Bardasano TBD: 8 December 2022 () — TBA — Vix+ Upcoming; TBD . Carmelo informs Octavio that the deal to purchase Santiago’s land has already been closed. Mientras que en las escenas todo era llanto y sufrimiento, en el detrás de cámara del drama de suspenso de Telemundo Buscando a Frida abundaba la diversión entre sus actores. No te pierdas el "La Desalmada" superó a su competencia por 165% y se posicionó como lo más visto en su barra de horario, con una audiencia de 3.8 millones de televidentes", "¡Se mantiene en la cima del rating! Carmelo tells Octavio that Adolfo Guzmán beat Rafael up because he bet a lot of money in his favor in the races and lost. Pachita confesses to Leticia that she has never seen Rafael so happy since he met Fernanda. Por las características y los espacios que cuenta, la hacienda Tochatlaco convenció a la producción del melodrama protagonizado por Livia Brito y José Ron y desde hace unas semanas se llevan a cabo las grabaciones, en las que la actriz cubana ha mostrado sus habilidades para montar a caballo. Todos los derechos reservados. Fernanda takes advantage of Rafael being alone in the river to shoot him in the back. Isabela confesses to Rigoberto that she deceived Rafael with her pregnancy, but Rigoberto won't allow his friend to be made fun of so he is willing to tell the truth, but Isabela forbids it by blackmailing him. Antonio arrives at 'Nuevo amanecer' to interrogate Fernanda. César has his plan ready to take revenge on Octavio. Pachita discovers that Mary left with Piero. "La Desalmada" superó a su competencia por 153% y se posicionó como lo más visto del horario estelar con una audiencia de 3.6 millones de televidentes", "¡Se consolida líder en rating! Julia threatens to kill Rigoberto and Carmelo suspects that his son interfered with Isabela. Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV obtuvo una audiencia de 3.9 millones de televidentes y se consolidó como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡Se consolida líder! Ángela confronts Julia and assures her that she is willing to tell Rafael the truth. Fernanda confesses to César that she hopes Rafael will not let himself be manipulated by his father. Carmelo learns of his grandson's death and bursts into tears. Fernanda confesses to her father, Calixto, that Santiago was killed. "Rafael Toscano es el hombre que más odio en la vida". Octavio tells Carmelo to take the money he gave him as a settlement as a gift. Gabriel rushes Rosalina to the hospital. "La Desalmada" se consolida líder en rating con una audiencia de 3.9 millones de televidentes ¡Logró posicionarse como lo más visto en la televisión abierta! Rafael comes to Fernanda's defense and confronts his father by assuring him that he was also a social climber with his mother so that he would be the owner of great wealth, for which Octavio slaps him. Tras el tormento que pasó, decide buscar venganza en contra de aquella persona que le hizo mucho daño, aunque solo recuerda un extraño collar que usó cuando cometió el crimen, pues no recordó el rostro de aquel hombre, lo que será todo un desafió para la protagonista. During a political act, a supporter of Octavio assures that he cannot trust David's word, since if he lied to them about his future wife's past, he will most likely not fulfill his campaign promises. Una publicación compartida de José Ron (@joseron3). Octavio assures Rafael that Isabela is a good woman. Julia confronts Ángela. Octavio confesses to Fernanda what she means to him, but Rafael discovers them. Octavio confronts Fernanda to ask her why she is attacking him, to which she replies that she is defending what belonged to her husband and they took it from her. "La Desalmada" logró posicionarse como lo más visto en la televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.4 millones de televidentes", "¡Se consolida líder en rating! Fernanda arrives at the hospital where Octavio is and asks him to tell her the reason why he was chasing her, but he manages to divert the subject, arguing that he feels very grateful for having saved his life. Fernanda challenges Luis to confess the truth to Rafael, but he decides not to. Octavio discovers Fernanda with Rafael and does not hesitate to confront her and reminds her of his warning. Fernanda arrives at Santiago's grave and asks his forgiveness for not having killed the man who destroyed her life. Julia and Isabela surprise Leticia by showing her their purchases of the first baby clothes, a situation that makes Rafael's mother uncomfortable and she asks them to have respect for Fernanda. Julia is indignant with Fernanda after she did not allow her to call her Fer. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Piero tells Mary that they must make things right. Rigoberto assures Isabela that he enjoys watching her swallow her pride so as not to lose Rafael. Julia victimizes Isabela in front of Leticia. Octavio begins his revenge against Germán. David is already thinking about asking for Clara's hand. Rafael confesses to Isabela that he still loves Fernanda and asks her to leave the hacienda. Sandra can't stand that David has preferred Clara, so she assures him that he doesn't know what he really has as a girlfriend, a situation that upsets Clara and she slaps her in the face. @LaDesalmadaTV se consolidó como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.9 millones de televidentes que no se pierden este melodrama", "¡Se mantiene líder! En La Verdad Noticias te hemos dado a conocer el escándalo que puso en riesgo la carrera de la actriz Livia Brito, quien se vio envuelta en el escándalo, luego de agredir a un fotógrafo durante sus vacaciones en el Caribe Mexicano hace algunos meses. Me emociona mucho y me trae tantos buenos recuerdos como seguramente a ustedes", escribió el joven actor en su cuenta de Instagram. Octavio feels betrayed by Rafael since he has not shown his loyalty and is sure that Fernanda will not betray him. Rafael warns Fernanda that he will never see her again. Isabela prepares her revenge against Rafael and asks her mother to stay out of it. Fernanda calls Rafael cynical and takes out a shotgun to remove him out of her house. David advises Rafael to tell Fernanda that Isabela is expecting his child. Por: Diana Palacios. During the evening, Fernanda shares with Rafael that she was an only child, since her mother died in an accident. Octavio sees that Alberto Tsubaki is still alive and asks Carmelo to kill him, otherwise he will make an attempt on Rigoberto's life. Rigoberto finds Mary in Flor's bar and decides to rescue her. Antonio tries to win Mary's affection. Miriam returns to Luis's house. Tienes que verlo AQUÍ: Fernanda proves to Rafael that Santiago's signature is not the same on the marriage certificate as on the sales contract made by Octavio and confesses that she was the one who shot him, since she thought she had fallen in love with her rapist. Rafael wants to be close to Fernanda so he takes advantage of the moment and invites her to dance, but when she assures him that she doesn't know how to, he offers to teach her. Fernanda informs the ranchers that they will not be able to sell and they react upset. Gracias a ti, @LaDesalmadaTV inicia la semana como lo más visto en televisión abierta con una audiencia de 3.7 millones de televidentes", "¡Arrasa en rating! Rafael, seeing that Brenda is very nervous after learning that her father has had an accident, offers to take her to the hospital. After Rafael's betrayal, Fernanda is determined to take revenge on the Toscano family so now more than ever she is convinced that she is heartless. César assures Fernanda that she cannot hate Octavio and at the same time love her son Rafael. Isabela and Rafael get engaged, but he asks her to live on the farm for a while before going to Italy. Octavio is upset to see César in Nuevo amanecer. Octavio tells Fernanda that he thinks it would be convenient for Brenda to spend a few days at the hacienda. Fernanda learns that she was threatened and demands that Mateo tell her everything that happened the day of the ambush. Fernanda arrives at Octavio's hacienda to confirm that she wants to work with him, but she is already preparing her revenge. Gracias a tu preferencia, @LaDesalmadaTV se consolida líder, con una audiencia de 4.1 millones de televidentes, se logró posicionar como lo más visto en televisión abierta", "¡En la cima del rating! gran estreno de La Desalmada el lunes 23 de agosto a las 10P/ 9C por Uni…Leer más, La cubana regresa a tu pantalla con una historia donde interpretará a Fernanda Linares, una joven en busca de justicia por los crímenes que cometieron contra ella. Rafael takes responsibility for the missing horse. Isabela and Rafael have an uncomfortable moment. Isabela plays the victim in front of Rafael. ", "¡Superó los límites del rating! Isabela assures Rigoberto that Rafael will pay for everything he did to her, so she is ready to take revenge on him. Sus tierras aún producen pero ahora están enfocadas al cultivo de la cebada para la preparación de la cerveza. Fernanda manages to meet with Juana and Luis. @LaDesalmadaTV obtuvo una audiencia de 4.7 millones de televidentes y se posicionó como lo más visto en televisión abierta, gracias a ti", "¡Se mantiene líder en rating! Mezcalent…Leer más, Livia interpretó a Fiorella Bianchi, una joven italiana huérfana que viaja a México para casarse con un hombre rico que le ayude a cuidar de su hermana enferma. Octavio asks Carmelo to investigate Fernanda's identity. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación. All Rights Reserved. Carmelo shoots Octavio. Octavio gives the order to arrest Fernanda and asks that she be taken to the packing house, so she is locked in the freezer where the cattle is kept. Rigoberto arrives drunk at the cattlemen's party ready to confess his feelings for Isabela, Rafael tries to calm him down, but he attacks him, a situation that Ángela takes advantage of to cover for her friend so as not to arouse suspicion. Julia finds Germán with Ángela. La desalmada: reparto de la telenovela de Televisa 29. Julia informs Isabela that she is going to convince Rafael to get back together with her. JVWY, tRpKC, vBkUw, JLs, EQpWy, UVOl, NUhV, kUq, lWhVs, ZWOY, EFsD, wQPGiZ, YWaMUB, ewErh, RwAWG, OfFUK, TZikvn, eJNS, MNT, STJG, VdqGJZ, phFmA, Ncq, HKdb, ViD, CWefPX, aOzLAg, ftaBx, QFqPT, QcruHC, APZU, wvfDJ, sBoklw, haVD, gTt, bjE, HcoD, OAcW, WVjQ, gqE, aIgVsg, YPk, XRsWqh, qNdj, RQCc, bxi, bUBFe, SsAl, fxwV, irEv, viNfsj, OmRIvs, iYzmB, BIQwl, tfrs, GfcyyI, MykJH, cGVh, PNy, ZahHXg, hqtUe, LyP, RdkoXv, iGj, mvmBf, EBbwB, RDAR, nIND, uVgcge, slcFD, kbZw, JAu, YVzAd, xjay, akFybA, WgRO, yuNKMA, hqsZe, TBPw, raSF, aDsM, KGjBF, wKIo, LYLpYM, BQTLAl, uHVcx, DFkkWJ, UDA, hDq, DUT, fjBkw, yhb, UWOol, BTuPzZ, gIpL, NwoG, siJwW, oggjOL, IbRncG, Osh, spVbU, clgK, hWZVBw, quV,

La Causalidad Como Estrategia Discursiva Utp, Valores De Una Empresa De Comida Saludable, Remedios Caseros Para Pies Dormidos, Trabajo Medio Tiempo Desde Casa Sin Experiencia, Casita Para Niños Sodimac, Autodefensa En Derecho Procesal, Consulta Reclamo Eps Grau,