microscopía electrónica pdf

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microscopía electrónica pdf

** mobil Neîncredere Este norocos că aplicatii biologie microscopia electronica de transmisie BAC Cucerire Ortodox. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. 2010, Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología. c sursa de lumina este n acest caz un fascicule de electroni, iar lentilele nu sunt optice, ci electromagnetice. ** John J. Bozzola, Lonnie D. Russell Vista Previa del Fichero *Click en la imagen del fichero para previsualizar. Ir a Documentos, Laboratorio de Microscopía Electrónica - CICYTTP, España 149, Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina, Introducción a la Microscopía Electrónica 2019. microscopía óptica y electrónica, reforzadas mediante la observación, el análisis y la interpretación de preparaciones histológicas en trabajos prácticos de laboratorio. Deberá numerar las hojas y ser ordenado para subirlo en formato PDF al finalizar, subirlas a la plataforma. Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders that present with skin and, in some cases, mucosal fragility, predisposing patients to the development of blisters and/or erosions after minimal trauma or friction. Although the GDA-J/F3 was difficult to characterize biochemically, its tissue distribution, ontogeny and ultrastructural localization suggests that this antigen may be a type VII collagen-associated protein, whose expression is altered in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. La microscopía electrónica utiliza un haz de electrones como fuente de energía. Amsterdam. The Standard Abbreviation (ISO4) of Revista de microscopía electrónica is Rev. New York, USA. Jeanne Ayache, Luc Beaunier, Jacqueline Boumendil, Gabrielle Ehret, Daniele Laub (NO SE ACEPTARÁN EXAMEN POR CORREO) ¿Que debe entenderse por propuesta de servicios profesionales? http://www.bahiablanca-conicet.gob.ar/biblioteca/ Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión oftalmológica completa a 23 pacientes mexicanos con diagnóstico de epidermolisis bulosa distrófica recesiva, provenientes del Instituto DEBRA México, A.C. Los resultados de los hallazgos oftalmológicos se compararon con los reportados en la literatura mediante pruebas de hipótesis, usando la prueba de la chi cuadrada (X2). Jeol. Transmission Electron Microscopy. Article PDF Available. Hitachi, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Estudio de los microincrementos con microscopía electrónica de barrida La apariencia de los microincrementos y el efecto de las técnicas de preparación puede variar entre especies de peces. La Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM) puede ampliarse hasta 105X con una resolución de 3.0-20.0 nm. Haga clic en Galería de Imágenes de Microscopía Confocal para ver una variedad de micrografías confocales e imágenes relacionadas; mire principalmente a los especímenes. Bullous disorders of newborn are a rare entity. Fig. [1]Em 1911, com a criação da Universidade do Porto, a escola foi nela integrada como Faculdade de Medicina da . Sample Preparation Handbook for Transmission Electron Microscopy  En la iluminación de campo oscuro, la luz que pasa por el centro del espécimen se bloquea y la luz que pasa por la periferia del haz es difractada (“dispersada”) por la muestra. Microscopie . Rev Soc Odontol La Plata. Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis: An Introduction. 3.3F: Microscopía Electrónica; 3.3G: Microscopía de Sonda Escaneada; 3.3H: Análisis de difracción de rayos; Miniaturas: Microscopio compuesto en un laboratorio de Biología. 2004. Explore las últimas revistas de Manual de marca en línea. DOI : 10.3791/51228-v. September 14th, 2014 • Ludwig Reimer, Helmut Kohl Transmission Electron Microscopy. Para caracterizar la mineralización y geoquímica de la roca, también se han empleado otras técnicas analíticas como la difracción de rayos-X (DRX), la fluorescencia de rayos-X (FRX) y técnicas Here we describe recent advances in sample preparation and instrumentation, which push the boundaries of high-resolution imaging. Do not sell or share my personal information. Tepa Transversal section on false Hearwood. Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy. Bahía Blanca, República Argentina. Históricamente, una forma u otra de microscopía óptica ha revelado mucho de lo que sabemos de la diversidad celular. À luz deste caso, discutem-se o diagnóstico, a história natural e a conduta desta rara intercorrência na clínica obstétrica. 2009. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Bilbao, España. Curs Rezidenti - Dezvoltarea Neuromotorie . Introduction to the Scanning Electron Microscope. . biolog-a-3-eso-biolog-a-y-geolog-a-blog 2/3 Downloaded from learning-catalyst.basf.com on January 9, 2023 by guest Long-term Variability, Disturbance, and Berlin, 2006, Centrosome: History of Study and New Discoveries. 1963. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. However, these powerful techniques are ultimately limited in resolution by the wavelength of light. Principios y práctica de la Microscopía Electrónica Microscop electronic: 5 fapte interesante de știut - Lambda Geeks. Normal values of body mass index (BMI), the younger ages, and being a female, were significantly related to a good antibody response. Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy - Volumen 7 Cuando los electrones son acellerados mediante una diferencia de ~otencial 1,23 de V volt., tienen la tongitud de onda h igual a . principios-practica-microscopia-electronica.pdf. Aguilar. Stadtführer. The sarcoplasmic reticulum: its discovery and rediscovery. El microscopio electrnico no es mas que uno de los muchos aparatos cuyo fundamento es la ptica electrnica. Aplicación de la microscopía electrónica de barrido al estudio del cemento Autores/as. Microscopía electrónica de transmisión, todas con aumento original X 3.000. The Invention of Immersion Ultramicroscopy in 1912-The Birth of Nanotechnology? Sheila S, Djais A, Soekanto S. The Amount of Streptococcus mutans Biofilm on Metal, Acrylic Resin, and Valplast Denture Bases. (CC -BY-SA 4.0; Acagastya). Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy. 1990. Scanning Electron Microscope A to Z. 1975. Cryopreparation, cryoelectron microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy strive to image samples in near native state. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. dutulik. Microscopie prin scanare electronica - frwiki.wiki. Valor: 50 pts. Phenom-World BV 2014. Organizado por LACAP - UADER y EMLAB - CICYTTP . Microscopía Electrónica Lab. British journal of experimental pathology, Romanian journal of morphology and embryology = Revue roumaine de morphologie et embryologie, Advances in imaging and electron physics 208, Pedro Mestres Ventura, Teresa Núñez-López, Omar Corrado (ed. Optica. Bilbao, España. VOLUMEN 2, A focus on the history of light microscopy for cell culture, Towards native-state imaging in biological context in the electron microscope, BIBLIOGRAFÍA-‘ESTE REY TENNO QUE ENOS IDOLOS CREE’: IMÁGENES MILAGROSAS EN LAS CANTIGAS DE SANTA MARÍA, Prospects of electron cryotomography to visualize macromolecular complexes inside cellular compartments: implications of crowding, One Hundred Years of the Fritz Haber Institute, Iron-rich ferritin in the hypoxia-tolerant rodent Spalax ehrenbergi: A naturally-occurring biomarker confirms the internalization and pathways of intracellular macromolecules, Catharine Hof, Historische Bauten bis 1970 in Wrocław / Breslau. 2010. 49 ANÁLISIS DE LA COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICO ELEMENTAL DE MUESTRAS DE TEJIDO VEGETAL POR MICROSCOPIA ELECTRÓNICA DE BARRIDO, ALTERNATIVA A SER VALIDADA. en Change Language You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Prepared by Michael Dunlap and Dr. J. E. Adaskaveg. Kevex Corporation. La durabilidad y el desempeño de capas de rodadura de pavimentos en concreto asfáltico dependen de múltiples factores. Aquí comparamos y contrastamos diferentes técnicas microscópicas. Complicações clínicas e aumento de risco de malignização são de importância nesta patologia. El MEB aporta en diversas diciplinas. Split-skin immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy localized GDA-J/F3 antigen to the inferior border of the lamina densa of the BMZ. Image analysis, Enhancement and Interpretation, Instruction Manual for Model HU 11C1 Electron Microscope. A diferencia de la microscopía de luz (óptica), la microscopía electrónica genera una imagen pasando electrones a través de, o reflejando electrones de un espécimen, y capturando la imagen electrónica en una pantalla. Es por ello que la microscopía de campo brillante es la más adecuada para especímenes fijos y teñidos. D. L. Misell Beginning with the development of the microscope and tracing its prominence through the first observations in the seventeenth century, the lack of technical development in the eighteenth century, a revival in the nineteenth century, this essay will consider how the microscope became a ‘black box’ in twentieth century cell biology. Microscopía Electrónica ** To do this, the use of the light microscope and its variants will be considered in relation to cell biology and cell culture; a field of research and a technique that became increasingly important in the twentieth century, requiring light microscopy. microsc. (Los elementos embargados carecen de esta funcionalidad) You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Curso de Posgrado Técnicas de Microscopía para la Investigación Forense. A instituição foi criada em 1825, pelo Rei D. João VI, como Real Escola de Cirurgia do Porto.Mais tarde, em 1883, já instalada em edifício próprio junto ao Hospital de Santo António, onde continuou a decorrer o ensino, passou a denominar-se Escola Médico-Cirúrgica do Porto. Bilbao, España. Theory, Practice & Procedures. La microscopía de campo brillante es el tipo de microscopía óptica más común, en el que el espécimen se ilumina desde abajo. La microscopia electrónica es imprescindible para el diagnóstico y en la epidermolisis ampollar distrófica recesiva se evidencia que la lámina densa de la mem- brana basal forma el techo de la ampolla y que el número de fibras de anclaje están reducidas o ausentes. Physics of Image Formation. Para un muestreo de micrografías de luz y electrones, echa un vistazo a esta Galería de Micrografías. electrón.. Revista de microscopía electrónica should be cited as Rev. 2015. Sección de Microscopía Electrónica. Curentul de electroni absorbi, electroni are maxime caracteristice speciilor atomice pe care a avut loc împr. Transmission Electron Microscopy. colon, rectum, kidney, liver, fallopian tube, lung or their blood vessels. Deberá responder las siguientes preguntas en hojas adicionales, duración del examen será de 2 horas. 3. urma unor procese de recombinare electron-gol, în cazul materialelor semiconductoare. Este tipo de microscopía, a través de sus múltiples variantes puede ayudar a resolver diversas interrogantes en disciplinas tales como la química, la biología, la astronomía e incluso ser complementario a un diagnóstico en el área de la salud. Sample Preparation. Así, en la microscopía de fluorescencia, el color visible de la fluorescencia marca la ubicación de la molécula/estructura diana en la célula. In our case, a non-inferiority bridging study was carried out to demonstrate that changes in the production plant facilities of Cuban recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, Heberbiovac HB, did not affect the safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine.This controlled, randomized, doubled-blinded trial included 501 volunteers, aged between 20 and 64, who were given three doses of vaccine (20 μg HBsAg/mL) at month 0, 1, and 2. ), John van Gorkom and Dirk van Delft, Cronistas de la Imagen: Fotógrafos en Segorbe y la comarca del Palancia (Castellón), Kornblume und Hakenkreuz. Operation Manual for Jeol JSM-6460LV Electron Microscope. EMLAB 5. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Cecil E. Hall La microscopía de contraste de fase es la herramienta más rentable para examinar especímenes vivos, no fijos y sin teñir. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Caracterización por microscopía electrónica de barrido: a) Fundamentos de microscopía de barrido de electrones y espectrometría de dispersión de energía de rayos X. b) Aspectos generales de metrología en microscopía de barrido de electrones y espectrometría de dispersión de energía de rayos X. Journal of King Abdulaziz University-Medical Sciences, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Acta dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica, et Adriatica, The international journal of lower extremity wounds, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, Detection of a novel basement membrane antigen by GDA-J/F3 anti-human sperm fibrous sheath monoclonal antibody, Prevalence of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa in Spain, Potential of Fibroblast Cell Therapy for Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Epidermólise bolhosa distrófica e juncional: aspectos gastrointestinais Epidermolysis bullosa, dystrophic and junctional type: gastrointestinal aspects Epidermólisis ampollosa distrofica y juncional: aspectos gastrointestinales, Molecular Epidemiology of Hereditary Epidermolysis Bullosa in a Middle Eastern Population, Rescue of the Mucocutaneous Manifestations by Human Cord Blood Derived Non-Hematopoietic Stem Cells in a Mouse Model of Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Prevalencia de manifestaciones oculares de la epidermolisis bulosa en México, Inherited epidermolysis bullosa: clinical and therapeutic aspects, Identification of a glycine substitution and a splice site mutation in the type VII collagen gene in a proband with mitis recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, Kindler syndrome: a focal adhesion genodermatosis, Absceso paraesofágico: una causa poco frecuente de disfagia en la epidermólisis ampollosa, Novel and De Novo Glycine Substitution Mutations in the Type VII Collagen Gene (COL7A1) in Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa: Implications for Genetic Counseling, Type VII collagen gene mutations (c.8569G>T and c.4879G>A) result in the moderately severe phenotype of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa in a Korean patient, Using immunofluorescence (antigen) mapping in the diagnosis and classification of epidermolysis bullosa: a first report from Iran, Gatalica, B. et al. El contraste entre regiones del espécimen proviene de la diferencia entre la luz absorbida por la muestra y la luz que pasa a través de ella. John J. Bozzola, Lonnie D. Russell Plenum Press. A guide to ideal sample preparation. 1991. Introduccin. Operation Manual for Jeol JSM-6460LV Electron Microscope. 1. Aguilar. Aunque el control de calidad convencional evalúa la respuesta mecánica (capacidad portante y deformabilidad), hay características que no son debidamente estudiadas (composición química y mineralógica de los agregados pétreos; estructura interna del concreto asfáltico). J. Haz, R, Réquiz, A, Ruiz, S. Camero, y A. Rivas, "Evaluación del daño por hidrógeno en un acero API 5LB mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido", XI Congreso Venezolano de Microscopia, Caracas, 2004. Avansul luat, de acest tip de microscop, se datoreaz, tirea probelor pentru examinare, diversitatea informa, Fenomene produse la interactia unui fascicul de electroni cu substanta, Un fascicul de electroni care cade pe suprafa, a unei probe va produce la locul de impact, iunea electronilor din fasciculul primar cu nucleele atomilor, iunea electronilor din fasciculul primar cu, iei electronilor din fasciculul primar cu proba se genereaz, i când, în urma unor procese de ionizare intern, ul electronic, cu expulzarea unui electron de, 2. electroni secundari - sunt electroni expulza, i din atomii probei în urma unor procese de, i - sunt electroni din fasciculul primar, care, în urma unei serii de, iunii neelastice cu electronii primari revine la starea fundamental, iei X emise, respectiv energia sa, depinde de specia atomic, (spectrul continuu) în urma proceselor de frânare a, treptate de energie ca urmare a ciocnirilor neelastice cu atomii din prob, i - sunt electroni din fasciculul primar, care în anumite condi. Springer Series in Optical Sciences. Utilizarea unuia sau altuia dintre aceste spectrometre, al fasciculului de raze X provenit de la prob. microsc. Obtención y conservación de proteínas de la sangre 8. Presented by the Facility for Advanced Instrumentation, U. C. Davis. Fundamentos de Física - Volumen III The antibody reacted with tissues from monkey but not from mouse, rat, cow or pig suggesting the late appearance of the antigen during evolution. Mai 2006 in Wrocław / Breslau. From Cytoplasmic Granule to the Center of Intracellular Regulation. Pretibial dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa with localized cutaneous amyloidosis: coincidental or secondary amyloidosis? Four lots were evaluated (three corresponding to the new production facilities and a control one produced in the older facilities).One month after the third dose, were observed protective levels of anti-HBsAg in 97% of the subjects that concluded the study with a geometric mean antibody titer (GMT) of 931.18 IU/L. (City Guide to Wrocław) Zusammengestellt anlässlich der 44. Die Mitglieder des Deutschen Klubs 1908 bis 1939, The Who's Who of Nobel Prize Winners 1901 2000 Louise S. Sherby; Fourth Edition (2001), Daniela Fugellie y Christina Richter-Ibáñez, Veinte años de Nueva Música (1937-1957), De fugas, canciones infantiles y cuecas Simultaneidad tópica y retóricas de identidad en la obra de Carlos Guastavino, Descendencia de D. Josef Tomás de Arévalo, vecino fundador de Tarapoto (1782), Ephesos in Wien. Eloy Rodriguez Diaz, Ignacio Garcia-Doval. 6. Las propiedades magnéticas se han investigado mediante magnetometría SQUID. Biological Applications. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. El resultado son micrografías con mayor resolución, profundidad y contraste. Open navigation menu.    Dr. Domingo S. Liotta, Curso de Posgrado 60, 352-365, A Comparative Study Between Transmission Electron Microscopy and Immunofluorescence Mapping in the Diagnosis of Epidermolysis Bullosa, Characterization of 18 New Mutations in COL7A1 in Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Provides Evidence for Distinct Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Defective Anchoring Fibril Formation, Deletions within COL7A1 Exons Distant from Consensus Splice Sites Alter Splicing and Produce Shortened Polypeptides in Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, Epidermolysis Bullosa: Experience from the Western Province of Saudi Arabia, Inherited epidermolysis bullosa: Updated recommendations on diagnosis and classification, Prevalence of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa in Spain: A Population-Based Study Using the 3-Source Capture–Recapture Method. Paralelo a las observaciones con microscopía de luz se preparó una muestra para su observación mediante microscopía electrónica. Observación de cristales de minerales formados y . ¡La microscopía electrónica de transmisión (TEM) puede lograr un aumento mucho mayor (hasta 106X) y resolución (2.0 nm) que cualquier forma de microscopía óptica! Sin descarga, sin instalación. En identificación de virus CURVAS DE VALORACION ACIDO-BASE Curva de valoración: Es la representación gráfica del pH de una solución valorada contra el volumen del valorante. Plenum Press. A resolução da gestação foi por via transpélvica em decorrência de hemorragia uterina maciça. Pain at the injection site was the most commonly reported symptom. Consulte los Dibujos de la mitosis para un recordatorio de cómo se dividen las células eucariotas y luego consulte El microscopio óptico para obtener descripciones de diferentes variaciones de microscopía óptica (por ejemplo, campo brillante, campo oscuro, contraste de fase , fluorescencia, etc.). MICROSCOPIA ELECTRONICA DE BALEIAJ (SEM) Microscopul cu scanare de electroni (MSE) se bazeaz pe aceleai principii ca i microscopul optic, cu singura deosebire. Optica. Ca urmare numai electronii Auger din stratul. Microscopul electronic de baleiaj, dei dezvoltat mult mai trziu dect cel . Aguilar. IMPORTANTE - CIERRE AÑO 2021: Informamos a todos nuestros amables usuarios que la recepción de muestras y solicitudes se realizará hasta el día 10 de DICIEMBRE DE 2021 conforme la capacidad operativa de los laboratorios del grupo GIANG y a partir del lunes 31 de enero del 2021 podrán iniciar envío de solicitudes nuevamente al correo . Madrid, España. Patricio Lyon Pablo Kittl Vol. polímeros en Change Language. 3. En términos generales, hay dos tipos de microscopía. Die musealen Raumkonzeptionen von Walter Andrae und Theodor Wiegand im Pergamonmuseum (Berlin 2018), 215–233, Crick, F. H. C. (1958) On protein synthesis, Biologia - Storia e concetti (Manuale universitario 56). CORE - Aggregating the world's open access research papers 1970. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. David B. Williams, C. Barry Carter Microscopía electrónica de barrido SEM . Descargas PDF Compartir Cómo citar Lyon, P., & Kittl, P. (2016). Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis: An Introduction. Los otolitos de aletas azules de varias tallas entre 70 y 151 cm no marcados con OTC fueron preparados con distintas combinaciones de métodos (Haake et . 7. − Interpretar los hallazgos microscópicos para emitir diagnósticos racionales y en los casos que sea posible aportar datos pronósticos. Los especímenes vivos carecen de contraste en la microscopía convencional de campo brillante porque las diferencias en el índice de refracción entre los componentes del espécimen (por ejemplo, orgánulos y citoplasma en las células) difunden la resolución de la imagen aumentada. La microscopía confocal es una variante de la microscopía de fluorescencia que permite obtener imágenes a través de muestras gruesas y secciones. Transmission Electron Microscopy. Objetivo: Estudio de la superficie externa del sincitiotrofoblasto de vesículas de mola hidatidiforme, fue rastreada utilizando la microscopía electrónica de barrido. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Julio Aguilar, Enrique Iglesias, Penton Eduardo, Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, Research and Scientific Innovation Society RSIS International, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN, DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN, Expression of recombinant HAO3 from an Iranian isolate of< i> Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum in< i> Pichia pastoris and evaluation of its antigenicity, Immunogenicity and safety assessment of the Cuban recombinant hepatitis B vaccine in healthy adults, High level expression of the B. microplus Bm86 antigen in the yeast Pichia pastoris forming highly immunogenic particles for cattle, Large-scale production of recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen from Pichia pastoris, Expression and processing of hepatitis C virus structural proteins in Pichia pastoris yeast, In vitro assembly into virus-like particles is an intrinsic quality of Pichia pastoris derived HCV core protein, Adjuvant and immunostimulating properties of the recombinant Bm86 protein expressed in Pichia pastoris, Interaction of a C-terminal Truncated Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein with Plasmid DNA Vaccine Leads toin vitro Assembly of Heterogeneous Virus-like Particles, Protection against Boophilus annulatus infestations in cattle vaccinated with the B. microplus Bm86-containing vaccine Gavac, Large-scale production in Pichia pastoris of the recombinant vaccine Gavac™ against cattle tick, A novel fusion protein domain III-capsid from dengue-2, in a highly aggregated form, induces a functional immune response and protection in mice, Determinación del potencial irritante de un candidato vacunal nasal que combina al antígeno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B con el antígeno de la nucleocápsida, Development of virus-like particle technology from small highly symmetric to large complex virus-like particle structures, A C-terminal truncated hepatitis C virus core protein variant assembles in vitro into virus-like particles in the absence of structured nucleic acids, Coinoculation with hepatitis B surface and core antigen promotes a Th1 immune response to a multiepitopic protein of HIV-1, Efficacy of the Bm86 antigen against immature instars and adults of the dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806) (Acari: Ixodidae), Immunization and chemical conjugation of Bm95 obtained from Pichia pastoris enhances the immune response against vaccinal protein and Neisseria meningitidis capsular polysaccharide, Effect of vaccination with a recombinant Bm86 antigen preparation on natural infestations of Boophilus microplus in grazing dairy and beef pure and cross-bred cattle in Brazil, Expression of recombinant Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, R. annulatus and R. decoloratus Bm86 orthologs as secreted proteins in Pichia pastoris, Large-scale production in Pichia pastoris of the recombinant vaccine Gavac against cattle tick, REPRODUCTIVE AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT OF VACCINATION WITH GAVAC AGAINST THE CATTLE TICK (Boophilus microplus), The recombinant rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus VP60 protein obtained from Pichia pastoris induces a strong humoral and cell-mediated immune response following intranasal immunization in mice, Safety and immunogenicity of a combined hepatitis B virus-Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine formulation in healthy adults, Nucleocapsid-like particles of dengue-2 virus enhance the immune response against a recombinant protein of dengue-4 virus, Detection of HCV Components and Pathological Reactions in Apoptotic Hepatocytes from Chronically HCV-infected Patients, Ultrastructural evidences of HCV infection in hepatocytes of chronically HCV-infected patients, Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical evidences of core-particle formation in the methylotrophicPichia pastorisyeast when expressing HCV structural proteins (core-E1), Virus-like particles as nanovaccine candidates, Virus-Like Particles as vaccine antigens and adjuvants: application to chronic disease, cancer immunotherapy and infectious disease preventive strategies, High-level expression and immunogenic properties of the recombinant rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus VP60 capsid protein obtained in Pichia pastoris, Single dose adenovirus vectored vaccine induces a potent and long-lasting immune response against rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus after parenteral or mucosal administration, Safety and immunogenicity of a combined hepatitis B virus- Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine comprising a synthetic antigen in healthy adults, Control of ticks resistant to immunization with Bm86 in cattle vaccinated with the recombinant antigen Bm95 isolated from the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, Nuclear localization of nucleocapsid-like particles and HCV core protein in hepatocytes of a chronically HCV-infected patient, Two initial vaccinations with the Bm86-based Gavacplus vaccine against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus induce similar reproductive suppression to three initial vaccinations under production conditions, Immunogenicity of 10 and 20 microgram hepatitis B vaccine in a two-dose schedule, Bioprocess design and economics of recombinant BM86/BM95 antigen production for anti-tick vaccines, Mechanical disruption of Pichia pastoris yeast to recover the recombinant glycoprotein Bm86, Humoral Immune Response of Dairy Cattle Immunized with rBm95 (KU-VAC1) derived from Thai Rhipicephalus microplus, Dengue Virus Disease: Recent Updates on Vaccine Development, Ultrastructural and Immunological Characterization of Hepatitis C Core Protein-DNA Plasmid Complexes, Development of a nasal vaccine for chronic hepatitis B infection that uses the ability of hepatitis B core antigen to stimulate a strong Th1 response against hepatitis B surface antigen, Heterologous prime-boost strategy in non-human primates combining the infective dengue virus and a recombinant protein in a formulation suitable for human use, Immunization with a DNA vaccine candidate in chronic hepatitis C patients is safe, well tolerated and does not impair immune response induction after anti-hepatitis B vaccination, E Perez Lara Agrobiotencologia Habana 2008 Poster, Evaluación de un tapón de caucho nitrilo como sistema de envase-cierre del inmunógeno Gavac®, New alternatives for the development of vaccine preparations: contributions to the knowledge on the interaction of recombinant protein viral antigens with nucleic acids, Effect of particulation on the immunogenic and protective properties of the recombinant Bm86 antigen expressed in Pichia pastoris, Dengue-specific subviral nanoparticles: design, creation and characterization, Chimeric Hepatitis B core antigen virus-like particles displaying the envelope domain III of dengue virus type 2. 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